As you all know that the entire world is in LockDown due to CRONA VIRUS (COVID-19).

Due to that there are so many weddings that got postponed. Thank god my wedding date was in Feburary.

I thought of sharing some tips with you all as now you have so much time to look perfect on your wedding day.

1.Choose you Makeup Artist / Salon wisely.

Your makeup and entire look are dependent on your makeup artist / salon. Try and search, at least 5 to 6 options and i would suggest a freelance makeup artist are the best and affordable as well. Look for their work and reviews, pictures. So,that you will get an idea of their work.

2. Do Not Copy.

Never copy someone else look on you. Everyone has different face type, complexion, body type. Be sure that you choose the outfit that suits you not that you like and what is trending.

When i was choosing my wedding outfit green jewelry was trending. I was sure that i am not going to follow the trend. I will choose whatever looks good on me and match my outfit.

I feel that following a trend makes you look similar to those many people whose following the same.

3. Do Not Over Board.

Now, a day there is a trend of  heavy stone jewelry. The Girls make a major mistake that is wearing all the jewelry at one go.  One trick i have understood less is more. So, if your wedding outfit is heavy with work and makeup is also heavy try to wear little light jewelry or skip one or two parts of the jewelry set.

4. Do Not Experiment.

Never experiment with your skincare , makeup , hairstyle or looks. If you try to look unique it might clash and it can go wrong as well. So, be very careful while experimenting with your looks.

Here are some of my tips and personal experience that i wanted to share it with you.

Please do share this post and help others as well.

Lots Of Love
